
DentiVive: Reviews, Ingredients, Benefits, Price And DentiViveSide Effects -

DentiVive is an oral health supplement that consists of 10 ingredients that are well-suited to provide anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative benefits to your mouth and body. It is told to fight off bad breath reliably, bleeding gum problems (or any gum problem in general), and the several symptoms of tooth decay. It is a high-quality supplement manufactured from a regulated facility somewhere in the United States. If so, how can we be sure if they work as stated above? In this DentiVive review, we inspect this product’s ingredients and see if they work from a well-researched point of view.

DentiVive is made to make you save more money by alleviating costly expenses to the dentist. The real question now lies within the scientific community – if this supplement is that good, how can we be sure if it’s real? Most supplements that several independent manufacturers are usually skeptical to the public’s eyes. Does DentiVive really “revive your dental health,” as the name says? Let’s find out today!

What is DentiVive?

DentiVive is a revolutionary formula containing ten powerful, natural,carefully selected ingredients to give people the best results for protecting, maintaining, and strengthening a person’s oral and dental health. It allegedly targets many signs of oral diseases, such as bleeding gum problems (gingivitis), inflammation and swelling, loose teeth, early and moderate signs of tooth decay, excessively bad breath, and bloody taste in the mouth. DentiVive’s ingredients are said to have been researched for years because of their property, so they should work. First, however, we will take a closer look at these ingredients to pinpoint if they are telling the whole truth about the product or not.

Product Name DentiVive
Category Oral health dietary supplement
Main Benefits Prevents oral infections
DentiVive Ingredients Green Tea Leaf(See full list)
Administration Route Oral
Dosage Instructions Read the Label Instructions
Results May Vary
Alcohol Warning No Restrictions
Quantity 60 capsules
Side Effects No significant side effects reported
Price $49/Bottle (Check for Discount)
Availability Only through the official website
Official Website Click Here

Furthermore, this oral health support dietary supplement’s goal is to fix these problems through natural means. When we say that a supplement is natural, it’s sometimes subject to disagreement and/or skepticism since modern science has already taken us far away from those kinds of things. However, this natural “breakthrough” is not a breakthrough at all; it is more of a rediscovery. We have been using natural herbs and substances in the past to cure us of ailments. With that said, DentiVive can be effective too, if only it can be proved through science, which we will tackle today.

DentiViveis also quite cheap for something that overpromises. While the manufacturers have told on their official website that they want this supplement to be extremely accessible for everyone, skepticism then again plays a role in this angle. If it hasbeen made to be of highquality, why is it cheap? One of the answers might be because we are so used to high prices in the current healthcare system of any country (not just the United States), so that might be the case. Whichever the case is, DentiVive lives up to its promise of accessibility, which in turn makes it one of the more humane products in the industry out there. The creator of this product is named Michael Clark, and for many years he has been a medical sales representative. According to his testimony, he has always been fascinated by plants, so when he had bleeding gum problems and bad oral health, he looked for natural ways. Of course, he had multiple dentist visits in the past, but none of them, according to him, seem to work. It is how he came up with an oral health support formula called DentiVive.

What Does Dentivive Do?

DentiVive does what it says on the label. It revives your dental health. It also has several other benefits, such as making you feel better and much healthier. Our mouth is one of the nastiest places in our body, and as expected, our immune system is working double-time to deal with this threat. Several bacteria and other types of intruders come and go in our mouths. There are also some “toxic” things in our foodstuffs that we fail to clean since you cannot get rid of 100% of them. The residue is way too tiny to affect our body, though. DentiViveis an effective way of dealing with these kinds of threats. The supplement itself is pretty straightforward. DentiVive will lessen the inflammation with its anti-inflammatory properties, thereby causing the gums to return to normal size and permit the proper normal flow of nutrients and blood. Inflammations are our body’s way of combating intruders, but it backfires most of the time since it blocks nutrients’ regular in and outflow.

As such, a normal gum can permit faster recovery as opposed to inflamed gum. That’s exactly what DentiVive does. Moving on, it also has anti-bacterial properties. There’s also some anti-fungal property hidden in each capsule of DentiVive. That means that bacteria and fungus, mostly the two intruders that usually attack our mouth and cause all our oral problems, will not have a foothold since DentiVive essentially gives us the nutrients to stop thwart their “evil” plans.

Without bacterial infection, tooth decay will be lessened, and gum problems will become a thing of the past. Lastly, taking the DentiVive supplement for long periods will give you the protection you need from external forces such as free radicals and oxidative stress. High oxidative stress, which is brought upon by toxic byproducts that we inhale daily, is the root cause of our cell’s age and gives us the typical signs of aging such as wrinkles, loose skin, etc. It is why it is always recommended that we take antioxidants to maintain our youthful glow wherever and whenever we are. Luckily, DentiVive has this solution. It is packed with ingredients that provide us with antioxidants so that our cells will be protected from oxidative stress, thereby lessening their susceptibility to breaches of the immune system and making them tougher on taking on these toxins at hand. Thus,DentiViveis an all-around solution that kills, prevents, and protects your mouth against mouth issues such as tooth decay, bad breath, bleeding, and receding gum problems.

Dentivive Ingredients

Now that we know what DentiVive does, we are compelled to see how the ingredients work. Each DentiVive ingredient works as a team member. As we know, a team is comprised of individuals who have their types of perks and strengths. The same goes for DentiVive. The DentiVive supplement is made up of well-suited ingredients for all kinds of things, and their flexibility makes it one of the strongest points that this supplement has over its rivals, such as Dentitox Pro.DentiVive ingredients are made up of ten (10) individual components. So let us take a closer look at every one of them.

DentiVive ingredients are:

  • Zinc Gluconate
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Berberine Hydrochloride
  • Resveratrol
  • Milk Thistle
  • Cayenne
  • Korean Ginseng
  • Banaba Leaf

Zinc Gluconate

Zinc gluconate, or in its simplest form, zinc, is a mineral that helps the rapid absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. This form of zinc is commonly used for anti-inflammatory purposes, which means it can help bacterial infections cease so that recovery could take place. It can also strengthen the body against common infections such as the common cold. It means that it can reliably amp up our body’s defenses and make it less susceptible to other threats, which means that it can help our body kill off the bacteria trying to invade through the mouth. The downside is, zinc gluconate can also lessen the effectiveness of antibiotics. However, you should not use this supplement while taking other medication, so this downside is not internally felt.

Chromium Picolinate

Meanwhile, chromium picolinate has some notable effects on improving the blood sugar of individuals. It can increase insulin sensitivity, which can burn the sugars quickly for them to be stored and running around our blood supply in general. What does this have to do with DentiVive? Well, more sugars in our blood mean that it moves much slower than usual. Since it’s having a hard time moving, it also damages the cells and tissues of many organs. It is why there is a thing called diabetic neuropathy. It’s as if the body is shoving “rough and thick” blood everywhere in the body, causing more damage. It can also promote damage in the oral cavity. Besides, nutrients and white blood cells supposed to get to the area get slower than usual. That means it is important that a person monitors their blood sugar level toensure that their organ systems are functioning at their best. Chromium picolinate’s benefits mean that blood sugar will be controlled and kept at a minimum, thereby making it easy for our body to do its job in delivering the nutrients to where it belongs. Additional benefits include weight loss (since it burns excess sugar) and that it can help women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Also known as ALA, this too can lower the blood sugar level of an individual. It seems to work hand in hand with chromium picolinate to reduce that specific blood parameter. The benefits of having lower blood glucose have already been mentioned, so we won’t dive into there again. What ALA also does, though, is that it helps maintain Vitamin E and Vitamin C, which means that it can reliably give you boosted immune system as well. Furthermore, ALA is a type of antioxidant. It can then protect your cells from further oxidative damage. It can also make you less susceptible to aging. There’s also the property that it can act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Moreover, it can also give you better-thinking skills because it also helps with nerve cell connection repair. There are more things that ALA does, and because it’s an amino acid, it’s a legitimate building block of our body. For example, it can help repair the nerve damage done by the bacterial infection that has been pestering your teeth for quite some time now.

Green Tea Leaf

The revered green tea leaf has been drunk by people across the world since time immemorial. Starting from the Chinese, it has spread towards the western world, proving a gentler yet equally effective component that can reliably make you calm instead of hyped up. Green tea leaves can help improve your brain function, protect you from aging since it’s an antioxidant, and reduce blood sugar. Green tea leaves can also reduce bad breath! It’s like it’s fully tailored for oral health problems! It can also make your cardiovascular system prepared for bad cholesterol spikes, which can help prevent you from having a stroke.Green tea leaves are one of the best sources of antioxidants in the world, and they can heavily help you in keeping your body intact and ready to go.

Berberine Hydrochloride

This yellowish powder helps your body cope up with, you guessed it, high blood sugar levels. It can help your body with weight loss since it helps you burn your excess sugar to the core. It can also improve heart health simply because of the improvements you get from lesser blood sugar levels. It can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which means it’s an all-around ingredient in cardiovascular matters. Interestingly, berberine can also improve fertility and make it easier for people to recover from polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Resveratrol is one of the world’s emerging supplements ingredients in the market right now. It is a form of extract that is found in plants. Their primary goal is to kill bacterial and fungal infections that try to hit the plants from the inside. However, their use becomes different when it comes to humans. It becomes a potent antioxidant, able to deal with high blood pressure and kill all pathogens that come into your bloodstream. While it doesn’t directly do the job, it hypes up your immune system, so think of it as an immune system agent capable of making things heal faster. There’s also the bonus that it can “expand” blood vessels to come in more blood. While that sounds rather harmful, it is also beneficial if you want to speed things up. Therefore, you mustn’t take more than what is recommended byDentiVive if you don’t want to overdo the benefits. These may be benefits, but these are also things that can harm if you if left unchecked.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, which is a cute-looking pink-colored thistle, is a great source of silymarin. What this usually does is that it repairs liver problems. Now, what does this have to do with oral health? Well, it can reduce the blood sugar level of your body as well. Since the liver is basically where the blood is filtered, it is important to keep it safe and healthy so that your body can fight off the bacteria and fungus in your mouth more effectively. Since it’s also an antioxidant, it can also help protect cells. However, the milk thistle, in general, has studies that it can limit the spread of cancer. In some ways, it can also alleviate symptoms of asthma. Sounds cool, right?


An anti-inflammatory ingredient, it’s usually found in the food we eat for the added spice. It can also help your body fight off infections by making it stronger. Cayenne has many benefits, as you can imagine, and since it’s in our food almost every day, it’s impossible to miss out on these benefits. Cayenne can also spark up our body’s metabolism. Somehow, the heat from the pepper (and that’s saying figuratively since it’s the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties at work here) can stimulate our body to burn fats and sugars to be turned into energy. At times, it can even boost your mood to work out!

Korean Ginseng

Yet another anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative ingredient, Korean ginseng, can do one more thing – increase sexual performance. We know that’s something that doesn’t help with our dental hygiene, but it can also help boost your immune system in general. It can also lower your blood sugar. It’s just like cayenne with the added “horny” features.

Banaba Leaf

The last ingredient on the list, this leaf, is commonly found in Asian households due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. What’s interesting is that this leaf, when turned into tea, also has potent anti-bacterial properties that can give your body a quicker time to heal. Banaba Leaf can also lower blood sugar, and as such, has been featured in many anti-diabetes supplements across the globe. Its potent properties make it one of the best plants out there. Also, there’s the fact that Banaba leaf can also improve the cleanliness of your blood. That means lower blood cholesterol and fewer toxins overall.

How Does Dentivive Work?

DentiVive works by going through the simple process of eliminating, repairing, and protecting your teeth. Simply put, DentiVive works by:

  1. Purifying your blood
  2. Eliminating bacterial infection
  3. Reviving your teeth and keeping them healthy

Purifying your blood

Your blood will be the first one to be checked. Since our blood distributes nutrients all over the body and provides every cell with the nutrients they need, our blood is crucial in bringing bacterial infections at bay. Better blood quality can also give you faster healing times, so you can have the benefits of DentiVive,such as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidative properties on a whim.

Eliminating bacterial infection

The primary purpose of DentiVive, this supplement can eliminate bacteria with its potent properties. Bacteria are the primary cause of infections in the mouth, and their acidic byproduct causes tooth decay. Therefore, by eliminating bacteria and another potent pathogen, DentiVive can reliably diminish and prevent oral diseases and give you the immunity you need to combat this threat.

Reviving your teeth and keeping them healthy

Since it’s named DentiVive, this supplement is supposed to revive your dental health. After hitting your oral cavity with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial ingredients, DentiVivewill now work on protecting your teeth by further boosting your immune system and giving it the necessary nutrients it needs to keep your cells protected from different sorts of micro-toxins.

Who Is This SupplementFor?

DentiVive is for people who are having problems with their overall dental health and quality. DentiVive’s ingredients are made to be safe for all people ages 18 years old and above. It is not suitable for minors. DentiVive is also for people who want to protect themselves from the increasing threat of tooth decay, oral infection, and such. Unfortunately, people are not protected from such threats. According to recent studies, tooth decay can happen to anyone since bacterial infections are extremely sneaky. Therefore, to combat this, a stronger immune system and a better blood flow are needed. DentiVive arguably works better as a preventive supplement.


DentiVive benefits include:

  • Fresher breath
  • Healthier gums
  • Stronger teeth
  • Better blood parameters
  • Younger-looking and radiant skin

Fresher breath

Containing ingredients with extreme anti-bacterial properties, DentiVive can give you fresher breath simply by toning down the bacterial colonies that are living inside your mouth. It can also give you more confidence to do things since, you know, bad breath repels other people away. A fresh breath can enable you to live your life to the fullest.

Healthier gums

With healthier gums, you can reliably have better tooth traction. There’s also less bleeding when you brush your teeth, so you can also have the comfort of knowing that you don’t have to lose blood every time you clean your teeth.

Stronger teeth

Since your teeth will have all the antioxidants it needs, the repairs can start as soon as possible, and you can have shinier and whiter teeth in no time. Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about falling teeth as well.

Better blood parameters

DentiVive ingredients all have the interesting benefit of keeping your blood glucose, pressure, and cholesterol under control. In short, DentiVive can give you the better blood health that you need so that you can have the repairs as soon as possible to keep your teeth better protected in the future.

Younger-looking and radiant skin

Thanks to the antioxidant formula of DentiVive, it can reliably give you younger-looking and more radiant skin since antioxidants protect and repair any damage done to your skin. While this benefit has nothing to do with problems in the mouth, it is a welcome benefit for those who want to feel DentiVive’s lasting effects.

DentiViveSide Effects

DentiVive ingredient side effects are almost non-existent when you think of it. Since it contains only natural ingredients, DentiVive can reliably eliminate the fear of having potential artificial side effects right from the start. However, everything that is done in excess is harmful, even those that benefit us the most. Therefore, you mustn’t take DentiVive above its recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day. If you do, you might be potentially prone to several risks such as measly headaches, GI upset, or nausea to severe ones such as kidney failure. As such, take as advised and do not overdo it.

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Dentivive Manufacturer

DentiVive was manufactured by a company of the same name, Dentivive. Their office is conveniently located at Englewood in Colorado, USA, where several other independent supplement manufacturers base their operations. Unfortunately, not much is known about this independent company besides the fact that it manufactured DentiVive. Therefore, we can’t review it that much besides giving it the recognition it deserves.

DentiVive is manufactured from a safe and secured Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified facility in the USA. Therefore, you can expect that the quality of this product is superb and follows the recommended rules that the authorities have imposed upon all supplement manufacturers. Furthermore, the company states that they take their ingredients from the purest sources on the planet, ensuring that you get the safest properties that the DentiVive formula can give.

DentiVive Dosage

The official website suggests taking 2 Dentivive capsules a day. Take each capsule with a full glass of water. You can separate the dosages between breakfast and dinnertime, or just take both at breakfast if you want. DentiVive is extremely safe, even on an empty stomach. It is enclosed in a vegetable capsule so that it can easily be digested in the stomach. It is recommended that you also take this supplement for six months to experience the full effects. However, you can also experience the supplement for longer than that if you want to keep yourself protected for many months in the future.

Dentivive Cost

In general, when you buy DentiVive, it will cost you:

  • 1-bottle $69!
  • 3-bottle package, you can get each bottle at $59 only! That’s a total of $177!
  • 6-bottle package, you can get each bottle at $49 only!So that’s only a total of $294!

Experience quality dental and oral health by purchasing DentiVive at a low price today! What’s even better is that you can ship this product for free as long as you live in the United States. Unfortunately,DentiVive is only available in select countries such as the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, and Australia.

Related Scientific Studies ToDentivive

DentiViveuses scientific studies from the Harvard University, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and other random scientific sources that are equally reliable. Thus,DentiVive is credible and can be trusted since they made use of sources across many platforms.

DentiVive Reviews

DentiVive reviews are extremely positive, and the effects that each ingredient of this supplement brings can truly impact the inflammatory nature of microbes. We can see these DentiVive reviews in action below:

  • I was met with stronger teeth and healthier gums. However, when I chewed on a banana, I usually encountered blood with my favorite fruit. It’s a horrendous sight. With DentiVive, I can finally have the comfort I deserve while eating a banana in peace. – Stephen K.
  • People hated me because of my bad breath. They always love what comes out of my mouth, all except the smell. You see, I’m a highly social person.So I feel left out when people look at me with their disgusted faces. After five months of DentiVive use, I do not encounter that type of problem anymore. I’m more alive than ever! – Lyndon F.

DentiViveVerdict AndSummary

DentiVivemanages to secure many individuals with better oral health, healthier gums, and stronger teeth. Unfortunately, these problems are mostly taken for granted, which usually means that you also have this kind of issue. With this supplement, you are ensured that you gain the right anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative properties so that you won’t have to miss out on life’s most precious moments. It’s a good buy for everyone no matter of age!

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