
HerpaGreens Reviews: Alarming Complaints or Ingredients That Work? - Juneau Empire

HerpaGreens is a herpes supplement that claims to “active the herpes kill switch” to eliminate the virus from your system.

By taking HerpaGreens daily, you can purportedly enjoy “herpes destroying and life-changing” benefits.

Does HerpaGreens really cure herpes? Or is yet another herpes supplement scam? Find out everything you need to know about HerpaGreens and how it works today in our review.


What is HerpaGreens?

HerpaGreens is a nutritional supplement sold online through

By taking HerpaGreens daily, you can purportedly eradicate the herpes virus from your system, helping you avoid all future symptoms of the disease.

The supplement effectively claims to cure the herpes virus – something no other drug or supplement claims to do. The makers of HerpaGreens claim their supplement will “wipe out the herpes virus from their body” using natural ingredients. The natural formula “seeks and destroys the herpes virus,” allowing you to lead a herpes-free life again.

Obviously, there’s no known cure for herpes. Doctors recommend different medication to manage symptoms of the disease, but there’s no way to remove the disease from your body entirely.

The makers of HerpaGreens seem to suggest otherwise, claiming their supplement can eliminate herpes symptoms and remove all traces of the virus from your body.


How Does HerpaGreens Work?

HerpaGreens comes in the form of a powder. You mix the powder with water, a shake, or the beverage of your choice, then drink it daily to support your body’s defence against the herpes virus.

If you’ve had other green superfood shakes in the past, then HerpaGreens is similar. The formula includes superfoods, vegetables, herbal extracts, vitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, and other ingredients linked to health and wellness.

Although HerpaGreens is similar to other green superfood supplements sold online today, the supplement claims to offer benefits we’ve never seen with other green superfood supplements: it claims to find and destroy the herpes virus, eliminating all traces of the disease from your body and helping you regain a herpes-free life.

In fact, the makers of HerpaGreens claim their formula has already helped “thousands of sufferers” effectively cure the herpes virus.

In fact, the formula claims to be so effective that even blood tests and cell culture tests will show no traces of the herpes virus in your system:

“…Charles had performed another PCR blood test and cell culture and the results had just come back. They were negative, she was actually free and clear of the herpes virus.”

After using HerpaGreens to cure her herpes virus, one woman claims she now confidently kisses anyone on the lips without worrying about spreading the disease:

“Emily’s face lit up as she told me the news, she gave me the biggest hug and then planted a kiss right on my lips.”

This wasn’t a short-term fix for one herpes outbreak: the makers of HerpaGreens claim that their formula works to solve herpes long-term. You can test your blood over and over again for eight weeks and confirm that you no longer have herpes, according to the official website:

“if you’re thinking that it could have been a false negative, yeah, I thought that too, and so did Charles…Which is why [we ran] the tests over and over again for the next 8 weeks and every time they came back negative.”

Emily’s breakouts purportedly “stopped completely” after taking HerpaGreens. She has never experienced another herpes outbreak, and the company effectively claims that Emily is cured of the herpes virus.

Again, there’s no known cure for the herpes virus, and you should be skeptical if someone insists otherwise. However, let’s take a closer look at the story behind HerpaGreens and what’s inside the formula to see how it claims to work.

The Story Behind HerpaGreens

HerpaGreens was created by a member of the United States military who had herpes, then used the ingredients in HerpaGreens to cure herpes in his girlfriend.

The sales page features the story of a man named Cody Morgan. Cody claims he and his girlfriend Emily Myers eliminated all traces of the herpes virus from their system after taking the ingredients in HerpaGreens.

Based on their successful treatment, Cody tested the formula on a group of volunteers. Of the 278 volunteers, 100% of them “reported dramatic improvements in their symptoms” after taking HerpaGreens.

After his clinical trial on volunteers, Cody decided to sell his formula to the world in the form of HerpaGreens. Today, Cody advertises HerpaGreens as a collection of “herpes-cleansing herbs and miracle nutrients” that can help ensure “no one else has to suffer at the hands of this cruel disease ever again.”

Cody gave both the oral and genital strains of herpes to his girlfriend at age 26. Emily was devastated by the diagnosis. She tried to kill herself, jumping in front of a train to try to end her life. Emily survived, and Cody realized he needed to help his girlfriend cure herpes.

Cody is a former combat medic who served in the United States Army. Cody claims he was not used to insurmountable challenges. Although doctors told him there was no cure for herpes, Cody believed otherwise, and his search led him to the ingredients in HerpaGreens.

The website has been online for nearly a year. However, Cody insists that big pharmaceutical companies are trying to take down his website and halt all sales of HerpaGreens. He specifically claims GlaxoSmithKline (which manufactures Zovirax and Valtrex) and Novartis Pharmaceuticals (which makes Famvir) have deliberately suppressed cures for herpes while “selling useless herpes meds to the American people.” They make billions from these drugs, which is why Cody’s secret formula poses a risk to their business.

It’s a nice story, but it’s completely fictitious. HerpaGreens was created by a supplement company that rebranded a green superfood formula as a herpes supplement. HerpaGreens contains similar ingredients to what you can find in any other green superfood supplement sold online today.

What Does HerpaGreens Do?

HerpaGreens claims to effectively eliminate all traces of the herpes virus from your system within days of your first serving. The supplement also claims to continue eliminating the virus from your system for as long as 8 weeks. The sales page for HerpaGreens is filled with people who have effectively cured their condition using HerpaGreens.

Some of the advertised benefits of HerpaGreens, according to the official sales page, include:

  • No more painful blisters or sores around your mouth or genitals
  • No more fear of infecting another person
  • Kill the HSV-1 and HSV-2 herpes virus strains
  • Starts working in as little as 2 days
  • Completely eliminates the herpes virus from your system within 2 weeks
  • Clinically proven to eliminate “97%” of herpes symptoms

Overall, the makers of HerpaGreens claim you never have to worry about cold sores, blisters, and other painful symptoms ever again.

The company also seems to suggest you can resume unprotected sexual activity after taking HerpaGreens: the company insists that after taking HerpaGreens, you’ll have “no more fear of infecting another human being.”

HerpaGreens Ingredients

HerpaGreens contains a mix of vitamins, minerals, superfoods, herbal extracts, vegetables, fruit extracts, probiotics, prebiotics, and other ingredients.

Overall, HerpaGreens contains similar ingredients to what you would see in any green superfood formula. You mix one scoop of HerpaGreens with water, a shake, or the beverage of your choice, then drink it daily to give your body the superfoods it needs to support health and wellness.

However, HerpaGreens doesn’t just claim to support immunity, support health and wellness, or support healthy inflammation: the supplement purportedly removes the herpes virus from your system.

Using these ingredients, HerpaGreens claims to attack herpes from multiple angles, effectively eradicating the virus from your body. Here’s how the ingredients in HerpaGreens work, according to the official website:

Vitamins & Minerals: HerpaGreens contains small doses (less than 100% of your Daily Value or DV) of various vitamins and minerals. Your body needs vitamins and minerals for overall function. If you don’t have zinc, B vitamins, and other crucial vitamins and minerals in your system, then your body struggles to support immune function. Vitamin C, meanwhile, is one of nature’s best and most abundant antioxidants. HerpaGreens also contains a particularly strong dose of vitamin B12 (1,042% DV). Vitamin B12 is crucial for physical and mental energy. Many people (particularly vegans and vegetarians) are deficient in vitamin B12 because there are no plant-based sources of vitamin B12. If you’re not getting vitamin B12 from meat, then you need to take a supplement. You may experience a noticeable boost to energy after taking the vitamin B12 in HerpaGreens.

Superfood, Antioxidant, and Mushroom Blend: Most of the HerpaGreens formula is found in the superfood, antioxidant, and mushroom blend. This blend contains fruit and vegetable extracts, mushroom extracts, and other ingredients shown to support your body’s stress response. Some of the ingredients are rich with flavonoids and phytochemicals that support healthy inflammation. Other ingredients are adaptogens, helping support your body’s ability to respond to physical and mental stress.

Herbs & Extracts: HerpaGreens contains several herbs and extracts to support the herpes-killing benefits of the supplement even further. Key ingredients in this formula include cherry extract, turmeric root, green tea leaf extract, cinnamon bark, ginger, and ginseng. Many of these ingredients have been used for centuries for health and wellness.

Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Digestive Enzymes: HerpaGreens contains three types of ingredients to support digestive health. Each serving of HerpaGreens contains prebiotics, which fuel probiotic bacteria in your gut. You also get 2.5 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of probiotics, which are good bacteria that thrive in your gut to break down food and support immunity. HerpaGreens also contains digestive enzymes like protease and lipase to break down the components of foods. All three of these ingredients can support digestion and immunity, although none are shown to eradicate the herpes virus.

HerpaGreens Ingredients Label

The makers of HerpaGreens disclose all ingredients in HerpaGreens upfront, although most dosages are hidden within proprietary formulas. Most superfood supplements sold online use proprietary formulas. These formulas contain dozens of ingredients, and it’s hard to list individual dosages for each ingredient.


Here’s the full list of ingredients in HerpaGreens, according to the ingredients label:

Vitamins: HerpaGreens contains vitamin A (27% DV), vitamin C (86% DV), vitamin E (121% DV), and vitamin B12 (1,042% DV).

Minerals: HerpaGreens contains iron (11% DV), zinc (75% DV), copper (11% DV), and sodium (1% DV).

2.6g of a Superfood, Antioxidant, and Mushroom Blend: Alfalfa leaf, carrot, wheat grass, spinach, spirulina, broccoli, tomato, beet, curcumin, brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, kale, asparagus, green bell pepper, cauliflower, parsley, organic banana, coconut juice powder, pomegranate, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, cranberry, pineapple, concord grape, cherry, apricot, orange, strawberry, camu camu fruit, reishi mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and maitake mushroom.

1.2g of a Nutrient Dense Natural Herbs and Extracts Blend: Acacia gum, acerola cherry extract, turmeric root, green tea leaf, cinnamon bark, eleuthero root, ginger root, clucosylated stevia leaf extract, mangosteen extract, ashwagandha root, and Korean ginseng root.

406mg of a Prebiotic Fiber and Digestive Enzyme Complex: Apple fiber, chicory root extract, fungal amylase, fungal protease, glucoamylase, lipase, and cellulase.

10mg of a Probiotic Blend: 2.5 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Does HerpaGreens Really Cure Herpes?

HerpaGreens is a controversial supplement. It’s one of the few supplements or drugs we’ve seen that effectively claims to cure herpes.

If a supplement, drug, or any natural ingredient cured herpes, it would be one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of the century. Any time someone discovers a cure for an incurable condition, it’s huge news: even if the cure affects the profits of big pharmaceutical companies.

Cody, the creator of HerpaGreens, claims he discovered an effective treatment for herpes and that big pharmaceutical companies are coming after him. He also claims his treatment has achieved a “100%” success rate in a clinical trial on volunteers.

Cody seems to claim you can resume unprotected sexual activity after taking HerpaGreens, even if you have previously tested positive for herpes:

“I’m talking no more ugly cold sores, breaking on your lips. No more painful sores and blisters down below. No more embarrassment, shame, and humiliation caused by the stigma of herpes. No more fear of infecting another human being or a sexual partner finding out that you’re damaged goods. No more worrying about when or where the outbreak may occur or dealing with the stress and inconvenience of having to hide your dirty, little secret from the world.”

In other words, Cody claims his formula permanently cures you of herpes.

Other claims made on the HerpaGreens sales page include:

One person who used HerpaGreens claims a “PCR blood test and cell culture” test came back negative for the herpes virus. Doctors told her she was “free and clear of the herpes virus” after taking HerpaGreens.

The makers of HerpaGreens claim they performed a clinical trial on the formula and found that “the virus was eliminated in blood tests and cell cultures in every single volunteer” in that trial.

The website claims the supplement is “a quick, simple and clinically proven way to effectively wipe out the herpes virus.”

One customer cited on the sales page claims he couldn’t believe it worked, which is why he got 9 herpes tests to verify the cure worked. He claims he’s had “like 9 tests and they all came back negative.” That man claims he cured herpes within just “3 weeks” of using HerpaGreens and that it was “so much easier than I imagined.”

The website is filled with similar stories from customers who claim to have achieved powerful results after using HerpaGreens. For all intents and purposes, HerpaGreens is advertised as a permanent cure for the herpes virus.

Scientific Evidence for HerpaGreens

Science and medicine tell us there’s no known cure for the herpes virus. The makers of HerpaGreens seem to suggest otherwise.

As proof, Cody cites a trial he performed on 278 volunteers with herpes. Cody gave these volunteers HerpaGreens, then observed a 100% success rate for improving symptoms of the HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus in patients. After a few days or a few weeks of using HerpaGreens, the formula purportedly eliminated the herpes virus in “every single volunteer.” Cody claims “the virus was eliminated in blood tests and cell cultures.”

Cody does not link to an online or print source of that study, and we can find no evidence proving the study took place. Any study with a 100% success rate should be treated with skepticism, especially when that study claimed to cure an incurable disease like herpes.

The ingredients in HerpaGreens could support immune function, inflammation, and digestion. However, none of the ingredients have been shown to kill the herpes virus or cure you of the disease. In fact, there are few studies linking any of the ingredients to any herpes symptoms.

In this 2017 study, researchers found that resveratrol did have antiviral effects against viral infections – including respiratory viral infections and the herpes virus. Researchers tested the effects of resveratrol against MERS, then were surprised to find that it also helped the herpes virus. A follow-up study in 2018 found that resveratrol was “a novel anti-herpes simplex virus nutraceutical agent.” However, no studies have shown that resveratrol permanently cures or eliminates the herpes virus in humans.

Another study from 2017 found that quercetin “significantly lowered HSV infectivity,” which could mean less transmission of the herpes virus. However, the study was performed on cells in test tubes – not in humans.

Finally, this 2009 study found that curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) inhibited the herpes simplex virus with antiviral effects. However, researchers did not recommend curcumin as a cure for herpes in patients.

The company does not cite any formal research proving any of the ingredients in HerpaGreens permanently cure herpes in humans. The ‘references’ page has just 12 studies, and most of the studies use different dosages than what we see in HerpaGreens.

Overall, HerpaGreens should support immunity, inflammation, and digestion, but there’s zero evidence it permanently cures herpes or eradicates the virus from your system as suggested on the HerpaGreens sales page.

HerpaGreens Pricing

HerpaGreens is priced at $79 per bottle plus shipping. You can exclusively order it through, where it’s priced at the following rates:

1 Jar: $79 + $9.95 Shipping

3 Jars: $177 + $9.95 Shipping

6 Jars: $294 + $9.95 Shipping

Each bottle contains 30 servings (30 scoops) of HerpaGreens. You take one scoop daily to eradicate the herpes virus from your system. The company claims you should notice visible reductions in symptoms within two days of using the formula, with complete eradication within two to three weeks.


HerpaGreens Refund Policy

HerpaGreens is backed by a 60 day refund policy.

If HerpaGreens does not completely eliminate your herpes or impact herpes symptoms within 60 days, then you are entitled to a complete refund. The company will keep original shipping costs ($9.95 per order), may charge an additional restocking fee, and you need to pay for your own return shipping.

Returns Address: 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100, Englewood, Colorado, 80112

Who Created HerpaGreens?

HerpaGreens was created by a man named Cody Morgan, who claims he developed the formula to cure herpes in himself and his girlfriend. Cody claims to have professional medical experience: he served as a medic in the United States military.

Cody Morgan does not exist: it’s a person invented to sell HerpaGreens online. Instead, HerpaGreens seems to be made in the Denver area by a company named PhytoThrive Labs. The company provides limited information about itself online.

You can contact the makers of HerpaGreens via the following:


Email Form:

BuyGoods Email Form:

BuyGoods Phone: 302-404-2568

Final Word

HerpaGreens is a nutritional supplement that claims to activate a herpes kill switch within your body. By taking HerpaGreens daily, you can purportedly eradicate the herpes virus from your system in as little as two weeks.

HerpaGreens is backed by a 60 day refund policy.

Similar Product: Herpesyl Reviews: Effective Herpes Virus Supplement or Scam?

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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1 Response to "HerpaGreens Reviews: Alarming Complaints or Ingredients That Work? - Juneau Empire"

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